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Trainer Tip: Enhancing School Communication

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Our SchoolTool trainers are experts in providing training and support for using our comprehensive student management system. Every month, we'll share a tip to help teachers/faculty members, and administrators get the most out of our system. This month, we're focusing on communication. 

Effective communication between educators, parents, and students is essential for student success. That's why we've included various communication tools in SchoolTool, such as message boards, emails, and push notifications. 

By using SchoolTool's communication features, educators can ensure that no vital information falls through the cracks, and everyone is on the same page. As the school year continues to wind down, and the focus shifts towards closing any gaps, don't forget about all the communication options provided to you within SchoolTool. 

Communication Summary Chart

To help you out, we've created a handy Communication Summary Chart. Keep in mind that configurations may vary by district, so if you have any questions or need access, just reach out to your RIC (if you're RIC supported) or SchoolTool liaison. We're always here to help!

Communication Summary Chart-Trainer Tip-April


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