1 min read

Cloud Scalability: Are you taking advantage of the cloud at scale?

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The cloud has revolutionized how organizations operate, providing flexibility, scalability, and cost savings. But as more companies adopt cloud technology, some struggle to maximize its full potential. Are you taking full advantage of the cloud at scale? Take a moment to reflect on these questions:  

  • Is your cloud environment configured for cost and performance optimization?

  • Do you have a clear roadmap and timeline to get workloads to the cloud that aren't there today?

  • Do you have in-house expertise, team bandwidth, or are working with a partner to continuously drive business return from the cloud?

If you answered no to any of the above, or you're feeling unsure about whether or not you're making the most of the cloud, we've got you covered with a helpful webinar you can watch right now. Mindex and Amazon Web Services (AWS) have teamed up to share expertise on overcoming challenges and maximizing your cloud investment. In just 20 minutes, we discuss our experiences and thoughts around the following questions, including:

  • Where do you see customers getting started in the cloud?

  • What does a typical workload look like? What happens?

  • The cloud offers so much value and business return, why do people stall? How have you seen customers restart their engines?

  • How can a customer get a roadmap with a limited budget, resources, and/or bandwidth? 

You may or may not use the cloud today. Chances are, whether you do or you don't, there's an opportunity to do better for your business.

Closet to Cloud

An added BONUS: 

Our special offer, "Closet to Cloud," can help you embrace cloud technology quickly and easily. We have a track record of helping companies accelerate their cloud adoption.

Let us help you get started on your cloud journey today! If you don't want to watch our webinar on demand, you can learn more about our "Closet to Cloud" offering here!

Watch Now

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